If you wish to access any of the below publications, please email me (see About page).
Books and Book Chapters
Provisional title: Pregnant Women’s Sexuality in Early Modern England. Under contract with Palgrave Macmillan, "Genders and Sexualities in History" series.
Provisional title: Uncertain Life: Moles, False Conceptions and False Pregnancy in British Medicine, 1550–1850. Under contract with the Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Durham University, "Science in culture, c. 350 – c. 1750".
Lisa Featherstone, Cassandra Byrnes, Jenny Maturi, Kiara Minto, Renée Mickelburgh, Paige Donaghy, The limits of consent: Sexual assault and affirmative consent (Palgrave, 2024).
Sellberg, Karin and Donaghy, Paige (2018). Feminist historiography. Gender: time. Edited by Karin Sellberg. New York, NY United States: Macmillan Reference USA. pgs. 67-84.
Journal Articles
“The Secrets of the Placenta in European Anatomy and Midwifery, 1560-1700,” Isis: A Journal of the History of Science Society, 114, no.2 (2023): 249-271.
“Miscarriage, False Conceptions, and Other Lumps: Women’s Pregnancy Loss in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century England”, Social History of Medicine, 34, no.4 (2021): 1138-1160.
“Wind eggs and false conceptions: thinking with formless births in seventeenth-century European natural philosophy” Intellectual History Review, 32, no.2 (2022): 197-218. [Published online 22 March 2021].
“Before Onanism: Women’s Masturbation in Seventeenth-Century England” Journal of the History of Sexuality, vol.29, no.2 (2020): 187-221.
Other (book reviews, blogs)
Review: Birth Figures: Early Modern Prints and The Pregnant Body, written by Rebecca Whiteley
Early Science and Medicine 29 (2), 198-201
History of Pharmacy and Pharmaceuticals 65 (2), 320-322, 2024
Review: The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance by Leah DeVun
Parergon 40 (1), 251-253, 2023
"How a 16th century Italian anatomist came up with the word ‘placenta’: it reminded him of a cake" The Conversation Australia (September 2023) - article link here